English language arts

Read with DERIC - The Lion King Trailer
Read with DERIC - The Lion King Trailer
Read with DERIC worksheet based on the Trailer for The Lion King
There is also a PowerPoint entitled ‘What is a DERIC’ which explains what the acronym stands for and how each skill will lead to becoming a better reader.
These short 20-30 minute lessons have hugely improved the ability of readers in my classes. The skills they learn through completing DERICs can be easily transfered to larger, more complex texts. It also gets children into the habit of looking for decode, explain, retreival, inference and choice style questions, which gives them a good basis of how to answer questions.

Read with DERIC - There's a Ran-Tan in my Bedroom
Read with DERIC - There’s a Ran-Tan in my Bedroom
Read with DERIC worksheet based on the short film/poem, ‘There’s a ran-tan in my bedroom’. A deeply moving and discussion rich film/poem that give way to much discussion and inferencing. A great lesson to use around Earth Day or with a topic on sustainability etc.
There is also a PowerPoint entitled ‘What is a DERIC’ which explains what the acronym stands for and how each skill will lead to becoming a better reader.
These short 20-30 minute lessons have hugely improved the ability of readers in my classes. The skills they learn through completing DERICs can be easily transfered to larger, more complex texts. It also gets children into the habit of looking for decode, explain, retreival, inference and choice style questions, which gives them a good basis of how to answer questions.

Relative Clauses PowerPoint
This PowerPoint explains what a relative clause is an how to use one in a sentence.
It uses the Lion King Trailer as a visual aid and gives examples through the trailer. The lesson task (another resource) is also based on the trailer.
The PowerPoint also recaps what a noun, verb and main clause is, before introducing relative pronouns and finally relative clauses. The resources uses PowerPoint animations to show how a relative clause can be inserted into a sentence to add more information about the noun in a sentence.

Adverbials Powerpoint
A lesson PowerPoint which explain how to use adverbials, taught through the TRaMP acronym.
This resource goes over a quick recap of nouns, verbs, adjectives, main clauses and adverbs before going in to the main lesson objective.
The resource explain that adverbials can be used to give more information about the time, reason, manner or place of a verb in a main clause.
It uses a fun and age appropriate trailer to engage pupils and teach through. The resource also uses PowerPoint animations to gradually introduce information to the children, showing them how adverbials can be added to sentences.
I used this lesson with Year 4 pupils, but could very easily be adapted to be aimed at any KS2 class.

Read with DERIC - 25 DERIC Lessons with Resources and PowerPoint
17 ‘Read with DERIC’ worksheets based on various stimulus - poems, lyrics and songs, pictures, video clips, trailers, and more.
There is also a PowerPoint entitled ‘What is a DERIC’ which explains what the acronym stands for and how each skill will lead to becoming a better reader.
Any video clip DERICs have an accompanying word doc. with the youtube link.
These short 20-30 minute lessons have hugely improved the ability of readers in my classes. The skills they learn through completing DERICs can be easily transfered to larger, more complex texts. It also gets children into the habit of looking for decode, explain, retreival, inference and choice style questions, which gives them a good basis of how to answer questions.